Sec. 17-1. Purpose.

Sec. 17-2. Definitions.

Sec. 17-3. Street naming.

Sec. 17-4. Administration.

Sec. 17-5. General numbering system guidelines.

Sec. 17-6. Street signs.

Sec. 17-7. Effective date.

Sec. 17-8. Penalty.

Sec. 17-9. Severability.


Sec. 17-1.   Purpose.

In accordance with 24 V.S.A. Section 2291(16) and 24 V.S.A. Section 4421, the Selectboard of the Town of Colchester hereby establishes the following Ordinance regarding street naming and street addressing. The purpose for this Ordinance is to help establish a more uniform street naming and street addressing system throughout the Town of Colchester. We believe that easily locatable addresses will have a number of beneficial results: 

(1)  It will enable emergency services to arrive at a scene faster. 

(2)  Deliveries will be easier to find. 

(3)  The U.S. Postal Service will soon stop rural route deliveries and require a street address. 

(4)  Visitors to our Town will be able to find an address and know where they are in case of emergency. 

(5)  When the State of Vermont begins Enhanced 9-1-1 the Town of Colchester will be ready for it. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-2.   Definitions.

Apartment house: A building under one (1) ownership in which the rooms are arranged and rented as apartments. Apartment houses shall be numbered as follows: The apartment house shall be given one (1) street number and each individual apartment shall be given an apartment number. For example, 21 Main Street Apt. 1; 21 Main Street, Apt. 2.

Combined commercial and apartment complex: A building or buildings used for commercial use in which there are also apartments shall be numbered as follows: Each building shall be given its own street number; each commercial unit shall be given a respective unit or suite number and each apartment a respective apartment number. At no time shall a unit or apartment be given the same numbers. For example: 111 Roosevelt Highway, Unit 1 (first floor business), 111 Roosevelt Highway, Apt. 3 (third floor apartment). 

Commercial complex: A building or buildings under one (1) ownership used for commercial or industrial use shall be numbered as follows: Each building shall be given its own street number, and each unit shall be given its own unit or suite number. For example: 111 Roosevelt Highway, Suite 1. Where there are multiple roads in a complex, each road shall be named and each building given its own number. In the case of commercial condominiums each separately owned unit in the building should have a unit number and further leased/division should be given a letter. For example: 111 Roosevelt Highway, Suite 1, Unit A.

Duplex apartment: An apartment with rooms on two (2) floors and a private inner stairway shall be numbered as follows: Each building shall be given its own street number and each apartment within that building shall be given its own apartment number. 

Duplex house: A dwelling consisting of two (2) separate family units that is separated from the adjoining units by a wall that extends from ground to floor shall be numbered as follows: Each family unit shall be given its own street number. 

Residential condominium complex: A property where living units are separately owned while the site, and some improvements, are held in common. Each unit shall be numbered using the methods herein described. 

Single-family dwelling: A detached one-family house shall be given its own street number. 

Single-family unit with an apartment: A detached one-family house with an apartment shall be numbered as follows: Each single-family dwelling unit shall be given a street number and each apartment shall use that street number along with a respective apartment number. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-3.   Street naming.

(a)  Every street and road, both public and private, shall be assigned a name. If necessary, this will be done at first by the Colchester 9-1-1 Committee and after public input with final approval by the Selectboard. 

(b)  In the future any new development must meet the guidelines of this Ordinance. 

(c)  All road names must be a separate and distinct name. No two (2) roads can have the same or similar sounding names. No new road can have any currently used name in the Town of Colchester. Furthermore, the Selectboard may change the names of the streets, both public and private, (after duly warned public hearings) within the Town when necessary to promote public welfare and safety. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-4.   Administration.

(a)  A uniform system of numbering properties and principal buildings as shown on the property tax maps which are maintained by the Assessor's office is hereby adopted for use in the Town. 

(b)  The Assessors shall number parcels as necessary and update the property tax maps annually according to the method of numbering set forth in Section 17-5. Existing numbering of parcels not in conformity with this Ordinance shall be changed to conform to the system herein adopted to maintain the integrity of the overall system and to protect public safety. 

(c)  Prior to the issuance of final plat approval, a developer shall furnish a plan for a street naming system, including proposed curb cuts, in accordance with this policy, to the Town Planner/Zoning Officer, who, with the Assessors, will then assign an address so that satisfactory mail delivery and emergency systems will be maintained. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-5.   General numbering system guidelines.

(a)  All roads are to be given an official name by the Selectboard and shall be measured in increments of 5.28 feet from a designated starting point, usually the end of the road nearest the intersection of a larger road. Odd numbers shall be assigned to the left side of the road and even numbers to the right side of the road. Each 5.28-foot increment will represent a street address number with the first 5.28 increment representing number 1, the second representing number 2, and so on. 

(b)  All numbers shall be established based on front entrance from the street, from the center of the driveway (or in some cases from the center of the structure). The closest appropriate even/odd number shall be assigned. 

(c)  For most roads there is a logical start point at which addressing should begin (at zero), generally at the end of the road which connects a larger traffic artery. Road numbering should generally begin at the point where emergency responders are most likely to enter the road, so numbers will be ascending as responders search for a location. Where there is no obvious end with greater traffic flow, it is recommended that the start point be selected at the end that is closer to the Town Center, or at the end which is otherwise the logical "zero" point for addressing. If there is no way to select a start point, one may default to numbering east to west or south to north, or one can be selected by "best judgment." 

(d)  All numbers shall be properly affixed on or near the front entrance or in some other manner visible from the street. The numbers must be easily legible figures not less than two (2) inches high and in a color contrasting to the building background (reflective numbers are recommended). The United States Post Office requires correct, easily legible numbers which are not obscured by anything. The homeowner is responsible for the numbers on the house or unit. If the house is not visible from the road it needs a number at the driveway visible from the road. 

(e)  Numbers shall be reserved to provide for future growth in property in all areas. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-6.   Street signs.

(a)  The Selectboard, upon adoption of this Ordinance, shall institute a program for the installation and maintenance of street name signs in accordance with the names established by this Ordinance. All signs shall be installed and maintained to the highest degree possible allowed by budget considerations. 

(b)  All signs shall conform to the Town's Development Regulations. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-7.   Effective date.

This Ordinance shall become effective twenty-one (21) days after passage unless a petition is filed in accordance with Section 305 of the Town Charter. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-8.   Penalty.

There will be a fine pursuant to Section 1-9 for any vandalism (stealing, defacing, or destroying) of public signs within the Town. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 

Sec. 17-9.   Severability.

If any portion of this Ordinance and amendments is held unconstitutional or invalid by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance and amendments shall not be affected. 

(Ord. of 6-24-97) 



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Cross reference— Streets and sidewalks, Ch. 13. (Back)




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