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Transparency Solutions for Government.

Start your search by choosing a folder to your left, or by entering a word or phrase into the Quick Search above. Our Advanced Search tool provides more detailed and refined searching. Consult the links below for tips and helpful advice.

  • RIAG


    UNDER CONSTRUCTION: This is the site to research RIAG decisions. We will be adding more decisions over time. ALL DECISIONS can be found on the RIAG website.

    Rhode Island Office of Attorney General

    A faster, more intuitive way to search for open government findings:
    Welcome to the Attorney General Office's new online database of open government findings. We are committed to making government transparent and accessible to Rhode Islanders. Our Open Government Unit enforces the Open Meetings Act (OMA) and the Access to Public Records Act (APRA) across the state. We investigate complaints for violations of these statutes, issue findings, and provide guidance on open government practices. Here you can find all of the recent AG findings in response to APRA and OMA complaints.

    Especially when viewing older historical findings, please note that the statutory text may have been amended since the time when the finding was issued, or subsequent Attorney General findings may have further developed or refined the analysis in earlier findings. As such, it is important to check for the latest findings addressing any particular issue to see the most updated guidance.

    You can find more information about the Open Meetings Act and the Access to Public Records Act here.

    How Can I File a Complaint?
    If you believe a public body has violated the OMA or the APRA, you can submit a complaint by sending a brief statement, along with any relevant information and documents, to opengovernment@riag.ri.gov or by mail to the Attorney General's Office.
  • Getting Started

    Getting Started

    • Open the Table of Contents in the left frame. Use the + and – symbol or click on a folder to expand and collapse the list. Click on a title and the selected text will appear.
    • To search, enter a word, words or phrase into the search window on the top right.
    • Need help? Contact us at mail@clerkbase.com.
  • Search Tips

    Search Tips

    Operator Example Result
    And one and two+one+two Finds documents with both 'one' and 'two'.
    Or me or you Finds documents with either 'me' or 'you'.
    Not not him-him Finds documents that don't contain 'him'.
    Exclusive Not apples and not oranges Finds documents with 'apples' or 'apples' and 'oranges'.
    Phrase "to be or not" Finds documents with the exact phrase 'to be or not'.
    Wildcard work* Finds documents with ''work', 'works', 'working
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently Asked Questions